Being human requires us to be ourselves. Laugh when you need to. Cry if it hurts. Love with everything you’ve got. Refocus and continue to where you need to be. Whatever you do, permit yourself to be human.

Many of us have lost touch with what makes us human. We see more humans with less humanity. There’s nothing more authentic than being comfortable in your skin. Most of the time, when we are uncomfortable in our skin, it’s because we haven’t permitted ourselves to be human.

It’s perfectly normal to get anxious and overwhelmed in a hyper-active world like ours. While we continue to breathe, we must understand that people are changing and growing.

Many find their purpose in life by looking inward and developing themselves, while others find theirs by helping other people.

As we race to achieve our goals, we need to remember we are #human, and we will make mistakes. Life is a lot like literature. We fill it up with fantasies because reality is too hard to explain.

Whenever you find yourself feeling anxious and more like an alien, take a deep breath, and remember the beautiful things that make you human.

Permit yourself to connect with your human’s heart. Be empathetic.

When was the last time you permitted yourself to be human?

Blessings and Love ❤️

Image- Alex Alvarex, Olena Sergienko

Whitney Edna Ibe is the Executive Consultant, Life & Mental Health Coach, and Writer/ Editor at Whitney Edna Ibe Consult (Blog),, The Social Talks,, and Mental Wellness Society International. She is in charge of consultations, services, and implementation.

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