I know there are many principles on how to live a good life but I believe one of the secrets of enjoying our lives is to let God lead us instead of trying to make our own way through life. Knowing we are in partnership with God in all we do and it’s extremely rewarding.
We are limited in our understanding of what is best for us, but God knows and He will always guide us. We are unable to see the future, even into next week or next year, but God can see every day of the rest of our lives..
We do not know what experiences, opportunity, or skills we will need to fulfill God’s plan for our lives, but he does and he gives them to us. We can not perceive what will satisfy us and make us truly happy in life, but God knows exactly how to bless us and exactly what we need to live in wealthy rewarding lives and to be deeply satisfied.
Permit me to ask you, ” Are you following God or trying to get Him to follow you? If we insist upon trying to make our own way and follow our human reasoning, God will allow us us to do so, but we may end up unhappy.
If, we determine to let God lead us through each and every situation, one step at a time, we will enjoy the fruitfulness, blessings, grace, peace, and joy that only come from following Him.

Whitney Edna Ibe is the Executive Consultant, Life & Mental Health Coach, and Writer/ Editor at Whitney Edna Ibe Consult (Blog),, The Social Talks,, and Mental Wellness Society International. She is in charge of consultations, services, and implementation.

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