Worry never fixes anything. I’ve tried it and it didn’t work.
Worry doesn’t help tomorrow’s troubles but it will ruin today’s happiness. Cultivate the habit of worrying less about the future and start preparing for it. If you can’t help worrying, remember worrying won’t help you either.
We often complain about how stressed we get when we don’t manage our priorities right. Worrying over situations we can’t control nor the change is even more stressful. Most people believe their doubts more and doubt their beliefs.
Fear holds you back and worrying gives you false hope. Whichever way we choose to look at it, both are destructive patterns. If we don’t turn deaf ears to their tales and suggestions, we will suffer.
If you’ve been worrying from January till now, it’s time to stop worrying. Start feeding your faith and watch your doubt starve to death. Don’t roll up your sleeves to drive yourself with worry to a place of nowhere.
Quit worrying. Start trusting God more.
Blessings and Love