The weight of unforgiveness drags a person down. But forgiveness forces you to grow beyond where you were.
It leads to bitterness and bitterness to thoughts of revenge. Forgiveness is essential in all human relationships.

You can’t build a healthy relationship with yourself or with others if you can’t learn to forgive. You can’t give a hug with your arms folded.
When faced with the decision of whether to forgive and forget, never make the excuse, “But you don’t know what he did to me.”

A great amount of brainpower gets used up every time we ponder on a negative situation and plot to get even.
Getting even always causes imbalance and unhappiness. Forgiveness is the power you have over someone who slanders and criticizes you.

Are you struggling with unforgiveness? Have you surrendered your dreams because of unforgiveness?
Never underestimate the power of forgiveness. What matters is what happens in us, not to us.

Vengeance is a poor traveling companion. There is nothing more pathetic than someone who has harbored a grudge for so long.
You will never get ahead in life if you’re constantly trying to get even. The farther you walk in forgiveness, the happier you become.

Drop the hate! Avoid negative thoughts.
If you don’t accept forgiveness and the gifts it brings, you set yourself up for a lifetime of regrets.

Blessings and Love

Photo Credit: Google Images

Whitney Edna Ibe is the Executive Consultant, Life & Mental Health Coach, and Writer/ Editor at Whitney Edna Ibe Consult (Blog),, The Social Talks,, and Mental Wellness Society International. She is in charge of consultations, services, and implementation.

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