Hi everyone, its been a while and i want to apologise for the silence. Sometimes our desire for personal growth comes with fear of the unknown,new challenges and new problems. But at the same time these problems are nothing more than the lengthening shadow of our personal growth and how much of us is begging to be discovered and fixed. I am happy to be writing again,read the posts from my wonderful fans, read and respond to every intriguing comment on my wall and grateful to God for the journey thus far. Old me, meets the new me! Lol.

Do you know what the secret of life is? Do you know that one thing you stick to and everything and anything else don’t mean nothing? I know what mine is and the day you discover yours, then you have discovered your calling. “But i have so many weaknesses, “you say. Well, guess what? In romans 11:29 apostle paul reminds us that the gifts and calling of God are irrevocable. God never removes his gifts from your life even when you are yet to discover it. Lets examine the case of Samson, his gift of strength though discovered killed him but he never lost it and neither did God take it back. Growing up i used to think that we can loose our gift and calling if not dilligently and properly harnessed but over time i have discovered that one’s gift can not be lost rather they can be surpressed leaving one to believe his or her gift is gone.

Even if you haven’t discovered your gift yet, or you are running from it, or you feel like you’ve abused it, you still have it. All you have to do is look inside and ask God to help you harness it. I believe that Gods gifts are never loans, they are deposits and so they can never be used up or depleted. The more you exercise them, the stronger they become. In the course of discovering my calling, i struggled, didn’t see myself getting anywhere but there is something i discovered and it has been my driving force and that’s learning to depend on God. Ephesians 1:19 “the exceeding greatness of his power to us-ward who believe” the question is, do you believe that enough to step out, allow God to use you, and also put yourself in the place of total dependence on Him?

I have learned that believing God for something you can do for yourself is limiting him. Why? You wonder. Because 2 chronicles 26:9 “For the eyes of the Lord run to and fro throughout the whole earth, to shew himself strong in the behalf of them whose heart is perfect toward him. Herein thou hast done foolishly: therefore from henceforth thou shalt have wars.” My beloved if your vision of the future is truly from God, it’ll stretch you beyond your present resources.
If you think He’ll never ask you to do what you can’t do, think again. Don’t let anyone look down on you because you are poor, or have made mistakes, or you are uneducated, or physically challenged. Pls do not let anyone label you. When God defines you, what difference does anybody else’s opinion make? None!

Everyone of us was born with an assignment, don’t die until you’ve fulfilled it. Always remember that your God given assignment will always tug at your heart, lead to your highest fulfillment and unlock your compassion and creativity. Whether he’s called you to be a teacher, a preacher, a banker, a baker, a mechanic etc, start and get rid of every life-limiting thoughts. Never let the ups and downs along the way, stop you from doing what you know is meant for you to do.
Stop trying to be what you’re not and discover what you are. Instead of comparing yourself to others which by the way is very suicidal, recognize the gifts he’s given you and start building on them.

Whitney Edna Ibe is the Executive Consultant, Life & Mental Health Coach, and Writer/ Editor at Whitney Edna Ibe Consult (Blog), Flyhiee.com, The Social Talks, Penprofile.com, and Mental Wellness Society International. She is in charge of consultations, services, and implementation.

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