The winners of life’s game aren’t those who have never tasted failure. But, those who have tasted failure again and again but never give up. They withheld nothing even in the face of adversities and failures. If you fail it doesn’t mean you are stupid, but it means you are clever enough to discover things that won’t work. Trying and not succeeding is not failure; it is part of the process of discovering what works. But very often we tend to quit and give up at the slightest failure.
Nothing good comes cheaply so we shouldn’t be surprised when we meet the hard while going for the best. hard times are not quit times. Never let the rough and tough times stop you from getting what you want in life and chasing your dreams. Withhold nothing when it comes to achieving goals and aspirations.
#The secret of champions is in their stories….Not in their victories”
Thank you very much.
The Master tells his pupil he’s failed more than they have tried. That’s why he’s the master. Joe Biden’s mother Jean said something I’ll never forget. ” Failure is inevitable. Giving up is unforgivable. I spent a year and a half doing something on blind faith. I don’t know why, but it was the first time I had done something without knowing where the road would lead. Even pushed on when I was told a girl couldn’t write about a guy. Before I knew it, I learned I had fans–male and female–and I had finished a 360 page book. I’m now at the finish line–after many changes and additions and I’ll again finish the book for the last time. Just learned I had 1,057 followers. So I know now what faith looks like. Giving up is just listening to yourself telling you ypthat you can’t; faith is listening to that still, small voice that says you can do it. Harder to get up when you’re listening to the outside when you should be listening within. I like this one. I’m going to share. Thank you. ☺️ God Bless.
I enjoyed reading this wonderful piece. The journey of faith is one that everyone must embark on if we must achieve anything. It’s also not easy declaring faith in circumstances that hard and difficult. Every day i watch as God stretches my faith and i just know that if he’s doing that then it’s because he wants me to be better and stronger. I admire you sharing this with us. It’s very thoughtful of you. Thank you and keep keeping the faith.
God bless you. this on Die Erste Eslarner Zeitung – Aus und über Eslarn, sowie die bayerisch-tschechische Region!. Wish you a fullfilling new week. ? :Michael
“Trying and not succeeding is not failure; ” <— not trying is failure.
fear keeps one to stay in the failure side of life. fear should be the catalyst and not the brake peddle.
this is one of your better posts.
Thanks buddy your words are kind. I’m a work in progress. It’s very thoughtful of you to share with us
I too am a work in progress, I feel we all are. Just keep moving forward.
I sure will my dear buddy. Thank you
You are most welcome
??? on now! ? and true story. Thank You!
Best Regards
Basti & Horscht
Awww thank you Basti & Horscht, it’s truly an honour to have you here. I’m really glad you shared with us. It’s very thoughtful of you. ????
Excellent post to encourage, motivate & inspire. Blessings, Hayley ?
Blessings to you my dear Hayley. I truly appreciate your kind words. It’s very thoughtful of you. Thank you for dropping by.
??? am so glad I came across your blog. It is so motivational. Ill definitely be here for my regular dose of motivation!
I look forward to seeing more of you and your comments. Thank you very much.