The mind is your seat of feelings or thought. It is the intelligent faculty of every man. Without the mind, man is never a complete being. As a matter of fact what makes every human beingĀ  human, is the ability to think and rationalise things. An attribute not found amongst animals. The human mind has the ability to think, reason, produce ideas and power such ideas into realities in form of products, and fears that can be a blessing to this world.
When you see some one who has lost his mind, you need not be told he has lost his life already. It doesn’t matter if he’s still breathing. When a man becomes mentally grounded, he automatically becomes useless. Why? Because it is the quality of mind a man possesses, that gives value or worth to his life.
By nature, the human mind right from the onset had been programmed by God- the Master Creator Himself, to go get accomplished whatsoever thing it can conceive. Thus, discretion is highly advised! Worthy of note is the fact that, you and I have no reason under heaven to become a mediocre. /
Every man is where he is today by the level to which he has engaged his mind. A man’s mind is the root for all his accomplishments in life. Much more, it is the root of all his troubles. As a being of Power, Intelligence,and Love, man holds the key to every situation of his life by what he chooses to think and do with his thoughts per time and contains within himself that transforming and proactive faculty of his mind by which he makes himself what he wills or wants per time and season. If no useful seeds ( life-transforming information and knowledge) are put into the mind, then you must be ready to accommodate an abundance of useless data’s and also produce it’s kind.
Do you let your thoughts “run wild” or do you cast down every thought that is not consistent with the knowledge of God?
Do you spend time meditating on God’s word and the things He has done for you?
Do you meditate on insults and offenses?
Do you choose your thoughts carefully or merely think on whatever falls into your mind?

” ThoseĀ who believe they can move mountains, do. Those who believe they can’t, cannot. Belief triggers the power to do.”

Whitney Edna Ibe is the Executive Consultant, Life & Mental Health Coach, and Writer/ Editor at Whitney Edna Ibe Consult (Blog),, The Social Talks,, and Mental Wellness Society International. She is in charge of consultations, services, and implementation.

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