The first time i heard these words, i never really understood the meaning until yesterday. I was privileged to visit the home of the “Special and Gifted children” last Friday. While there, i discovered that God doesn’t abandon us when external circumstances changes​, when who we are doesn’t appeal to many. He stays​ with us through the good and the bad days. The looks on the faces of these Children, the joy the exhibited just knowing they had visitors was unspeakable. I fought so hard not to cry, it’s a feeling I won’t let go in a very long time.
Regardless of how these Children appeared, they are all gifts from God, fearfully and wonderfully made. Special and not different as the world perceives them to be. I may not know what goes on in their beautiful brains but am sure they deserve to be loved, cared for, attended to and catered for just as you and I. As the Lord reminds us, “Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you” Hebrew​ 13:5″.
Beautiful is the frame in which beauty resides and it constantly provides us with eternal joy, peace and comfort. But to what extent?  Many of us live our lives in the pursuit of beauty with the hope that it provides us with happiness. Many live with the illusion that by having beautiful things they will be beautiful. Well, to some extent this may be true looking at the context it is been used. Occasionally, we get misguided all in the quest to be beautiful.
We need to realise that sometimes, what many people need from us is our smiles….Just like those special children I visited. But we get so preoccupied with material things, work, problems and storms of life that we end up deteriorating smiles on many faces, and living in saddness ourselves.
God loves Ugly….But love makes us beautiful”
The Bible tells us that God does not consider our outward appearance, but looks directly at the heart. God doesn’t judge our lives based on who we try to be rather He judges our lives based on who we truly are and who are we? We are the righteousness of God ” 2 Corinthians 5 :21″He sees right through us, the fancy clothes,royal estates, class and status, right into the very core of who we are. He loves us despite our sinful ways. No matter what we’ve done or what we do, there is nothing that will separate us from His love, and nothing that can make Him love us less.
So, whether you are ugly, beautiful, special, gifted, He loves you just the way you are. You are the reason He left his throne in the first place to come die for your sins. “John 3:16“. Constantly remind yourself that despite all you’ve done and all you’ve said, God’s view of you will never change. The way he sees you will never change. For every time he looks down on His creation, He sees you, and wears that smile that says ” You are good and beautiful. I am proud of you

Whitney Edna Ibe is the Executive Consultant, Life & Mental Health Coach, and Writer/ Editor at Whitney Edna Ibe Consult (Blog),, The Social Talks,, and Mental Wellness Society International. She is in charge of consultations, services, and implementation.

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