Hi everyone,
We all must learn to conquer our fears regardless of how big or small they may appear to be.
It won’t stop raining here but guess what? I am not complaining, although it hurts that I can’t go and get my favourite ice cream for myself and my little ones but that’s OK. At least I’m stuck at home and glued to my TV watching Telemundo. Lol.

I guess i won’t stop writing about “fear”, and that’s because as long as we don’t destroy all of the negatives, fear will never be separated from us. To be honest, most of all my fears can be categorized into two: 1. Fear that i may never get what I need. 2. Fear that i may lose what I have now. Does this sound any familiar? I have discovered that two of the greatest fears we face are criticism and rejection. I accept criticism today as part of the road to success but it wasn’t always so. Every time I did something or created something and anyone wanted to see, i will be tensed and won’t stop worrying what people would say, how it would be perceived if any of it would be accepted at all. The worst part of it is that my heart will not stop skipping a beat if I am asked about it. As a matter of fact, i get really overwhelmed. This fear kept stopping me in my track every time.

Yesterday my supervisor said to me “Whitney if you want to make it in life, then i must learn to accept criticism.” he was saying this holding my seminar proposal and i wasn’t finding it funny(smiles) because it meant i have to review what i have done. But it’s OK, I’m currently working on it again. Criticism and rejections will always be a part of us and if we let them, they can stop us and break us.

Have you noticed how often criticism and rejection decides what’s important for us and what’s not? For example, we are constantly reminded of how important the rich are and the poor are not. If you buy into this bullshit, you’ll become insecure, resentful and frustrated. You’ll also strive to become what they approve of and thereby miss your true calling in the process. The Bible tells us “the poor will always be amongst us” but it doesn’t mean if you are born poor, you have to die poor. Does it?
Believe me, i know it’s not easy to step out of the boundaries others have created for you. When you do, you’ll face criticism. If they could do the same to our Lord Jesus Christ “Mathew 13:55”, then who are we? Each of us is going to give an account of our life to God, and not the life someone asked us to live. It’s wrong to let the opinions of others control you or cause you to miss your destiny and also disobey God.

Sure it’s nice to let others do the driving sometimes, but that puts you at the mercy of their direction and puts you in constant fear. Take control of your life! Get back into the driver’s seat and take the wheel. While you drive, knockdown fear and criticism for only you know where God has told you to go. Remember, anybody whoever beat the odds or made a difference did it in spite of their fear. If they did it, you can!
Don’t run anymore! It’s alright now. God has put an arsenal at your disposal “Ephesians 6:13-17”, use it. Faith is your shield, my friend, the word of God is your sword and the enemy in his craziest state has no defence against either. Confront your fears, and you’ll discover they have no power over you. God bless you.

Photo Credit: Google Pics

Whitney Edna Ibe is the Executive Consultant, Life & Mental Health Coach, and Writer/ Editor at Whitney Edna Ibe Consult (Blog), Flyhiee.com, The Social Talks, Penprofile.com, and Mental Wellness Society International. She is in charge of consultations, services, and implementation.

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