It’s TIC Time 2. Let’s get to know all about Trauma-Informed Care. It sounds typical, yet there is nothing ordinary about Trauma.

The feeling is often more extensive than the streams in the south. We all must understand that Trauma cannot be erased and requires long-term support.

It’s potentially dangerous to assume that trauma victims can wake up one morning and forget all that has happened to them.

No matter how we look at it, trauma victims see things differently from others. They constantly have the fight-or-flight or the fight-flight-or-freeze response to every little thing. Each memory is filled with a flashback of the traumatizing event reoccurring, making them feel vulnerable and helpless.

When Trauma becomes frequent, society can lose its sense of trust.

With conflict remaining an unfortunately everyday reality for us humans, finding the best line of defense against Trauma remains a given.

Unnatural Trauma (Trauma caused by man) is usually the most difficult to deal with because often the culprits live near victims and thereby provide constant reminders of the past and the threat of further incidents.

Even if we choose to run away from it all, how long? Bearing in mind that unresolved Trauma can also be transmitted across generations.

Research continues to go on, on the best possible ways to interpret victims’ traumas and help them heal from their experiences rather than run from them.

What is the ‘best’ therapy for Trauma, you ask?

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, over time, is often considered the first line of defense against any form of Trauma as it has proven to be an effective way of relieving the symptoms of PTSD.

* Cognitive therapy (CBT) uses victims’ memory of the traumatizing events to figure out their lack of concentration, poor judgment, inability to discriminate, and inability to make choices in the future.

* It also helps victims identify unhelpful thought patterns, learn coping skills to deal with difficult situations, and better understand why their perpetrators act negatively towards them.

* Healing requires focusing on the victim, and CBT focuses on healing through recognition, forgiveness, and reconciliation. The reconciliation process isn’t easy, but at the end of the day, it will help the victims and perpetrators to come to a mutual ground, accept what has happened and search to build a positive relationship.

Here are some complementary treatments that can help you deal with your Trauma:

Aerobic exercises

Square breathing exercises


Tai Chi


Advanced relaxation techniques

There is no one-size-fits-all approach to trauma recovery. To respond to and recover from Trauma, we must understand what TIC is all about.

Are you experiencing Trauma? There is hope!

Blessings and Love ❤️

Image Credit- Google Pics

Whitney Edna Ibe is the Executive Consultant, Life & Mental Health Coach, and Writer/ Editor at Whitney Edna Ibe Consult (Blog),, The Social Talks,, and Mental Wellness Society International. She is in charge of consultations, services, and implementation.

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